Robotic FUE Advantages - Bernstein Medical Center for Hair Restoration

Robotic FUE Advantages

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Dr. Bernstein and Spencer Kobren, of The Bald Truth, talk about another seldom-discussed advantage of the ARTAS Robotic Hair Transplant System, namely how the robot brings transparency to FUE hair transplant procedures. The robot accumulates data on each action taken for the operating physician and also sends the information to Restoration Robotics for analysis. While the data helps Restoration Robotics improve each successive iteration of the robot, it also adds an extra layer of validity to clinics’ claims about procedures performed at their facility. This is in contrast to manual FUE where there is no third party monitoring or validation.

Dr. Bernstein appeared as a guest on The Bald Truth, where he was interviewed by Spencer Kobren, the show’s host, about the ARTAS® Robotic System for FUE hair transplant surgery and the latest updates to the robotic system. He also discussed increasing demand for both FUE procedures and hair transplants, in general, around the world.

In this interview, Dr. Bernstein discusses robotic graft selection with Spencer Kobren, the host of ‘The Bald Truth’ radio program. Fewer wounds in the donor area means a better aesthetic appearance after surgery. But there is another benefit that is seldom discussed: Quality Control.

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